Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rondell White makes the naughty list

I haven’t talked about George Mitchell's report on performance enhancing drugs in major league baseball, but it seems like everyone else is. Every baseball blog in America is fired up about this report and what it says about their favorite team.

For the Twins, Rondell White made the steroid use list and his $3,500 cancelled check was even published in the report. White is scheduled to retire this winter so it’s not that big of a deal and frankly he didn’t have a record breaking season or anything so he probably got ripped off anyway. Four other former Minnesota Twins players, including all-star second baseman Chuck Knoblauch, were linked to steroid use in the report. Knobbers allegedly bought steroids in 2001 while with the New York Yankees…I always knew he was a bad apple. I can say one thing for certain about this report, it is keeping the MLB front page news during the off-season – do you suppose they believe in the any press is good press philosophy?

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