Friday, December 26, 2008
Minnesota Twins gifts
Leave me comments with your favorite Minnesota Twins gifts!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Gardy likes Punto, so do I
"If we sign Nick Punto, he would be my starting shortstop," Gardenhire said.
What happens if we don’t sign Nick Punto? “If we lose Nicky, I'm not afraid to take a look at Casilla over there." said Gardy.
I don’t dislike Alexi Casilla, but I would prefer to see Nick Punto back on the field for the Minnesota Twins in 2009. I think he is a better choice for shortstop and a great batter. Punto has reportedly received inquiries from three or four other teams.
I think the Twins should sign Nick Punto to a multi-year deal and make sure he is a part of opening up Target Field in 2010 as well. I am sure the front office is thinking of that as well, you know, building a team for 2010. Let’s hope good decisions are made so we can have a strong team to finish up the Metrodome Legacy and an even better team to start the new legacy in 2010.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Minnesota Twin Scott Erickson
I read last week that Scott Erickson wants back in with the Minnesota Twins. Remember him? Man, I used to have a huge crush on him back in ’91 – his dark hair and light eyes and oh yeah he was a pretty good pitcher, too. He’s got to be in his 40’s by now and I haven’t exactly seen him around MLB. Perhaps this is a publicity stunt for the Twins or maybe the reporter got it mixed up with Erickson’s desire to make the All-Metrodome team that the Twins are going to select this season.
Good ‘ol Scott Erickson, man that brings back some good memories.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Twins Players Moving Around – Adam Everett a new Tiger
One of the best parts of all the player movement is that there is plenty to blog about! Major League Baseball definitely does a good job of being a year round sport – long regular season, long playoffs, long spring training, winter meetings – is there an off-season?
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Twins Spring Training
You can buy Twins Spring Training Tickets already. I wouldn’t mind seeing the Twins Red Sox or even the Twins Yankees games. Just think, February isn’t that far away.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Delmon Young Future Unknown
“It remains unclear whether the Twins will be able to move outfielder Delmon Young, but they are intent on trading for bullpen help.”
See ya Delmon - be sure to take your greasy entourage with you.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Twins Metrodome Plans
The Twins marketing team definitely isn’t sleeping on the job and this final Twins season at the Dome should be a fun one. I will definitely make it out to a few games to say good-bye to the stadium and reminisce about all the good times I have had there (my experiences do not include any make-out sessions in the Dome bathrooms, though.)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Twins fired up for FINAL season at Metrodome
#1 The Twins website has a Dome patterned background. I believe it is the upcoming seasons logo.
#2 On Monday, the Twins unveiled a really cool throwback uniform that they will wear on Saturday home games in 2009. I love the Minnesota script on the uniform…It has been my logo for over a year on this Minnesota Twins blog. The Twins throwback uniforms are similar to the ones the Twins wore during the inaugural season of the Metrodome in 1982. I will 100% make it to at least one Saturday game to see the Twins live in these uniforms next year. The only bad thing, there will be NO names on the back of these throwback jerseys so I will have to study my player numbers closely or, more likely, purchase a Twins program at the game.
"I'm a big throwback, vintage kind of guy," my boy Justin Morneau said. "I like most of the old uniforms, and these are pretty sweet."
#3 The Minnesota Twins will let the fans vote on an All-Metrodome team, I will be voting for Kent Hrbek, Kirby Puckett and Frank Viola for sure.
It’s hard to believe that the Minnesota Twins will be leaving the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome. They have played there for 27 years and when I think Minnesota baseball, I think Metrodome. It’s bittersweet for this baseball fan.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Justin and Joe Make the MVP List
Oh yeah and the Twins signed manager Ron Gardenhire to a two year extension – no surprise there, but it sure would be nice if we could make it a little farther in the playoffs Gardy.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pat Neshek Feelings
"I'm extremely bummed out right now and am at a loss of words," Neshek wrote in an e-mail to the Star Tribune. "Kind of a numb feeling ... just depressed, I guess."
Yeah, Pat, I am depresses too. This totally sucks for you and the Twins. Keep your chin up buddy. I won’t forget you.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Pat Neshek Update
Remember when he got hurt last May with a torn ligament? Well, apparently it was only partially torn and every one recommended that he rehab as opposed to surgery. Well, the rehab plan didn’t work out so well because he completely tore the ligament while working out last week in Florida. That means Pat Neshek is now FORCED to have Tommy John ligament-replacement surgery. He will be out another 12 plus months and he may never be the same.
I am totally bummed about this. I love the Pat Neshek story. His local Minnesota roots, his crazy side arm delivery, his dedication to other baseball fans AND he even personally emailed me once - before he got big – I emailed him about his site and he emailed back! Shortly after that, the Twins pulled him off the farm team and he took off in the majors. I like to tell my friends that I had something to do with it, ha ha. Well, I am going to keep Pat Neshek in my prayers and hope that every thing works out. Take Care, Pat!
Friday, November 07, 2008
Minnesota Twins Schedule
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Minnesota Twins Wannabes
You know who I am hoping to see dressed in a Minnesota Twins uniform next year? And this is no trick. Nick Punto. (He just filed for free agency, I hope the Twins can find a way to keep him.)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween Twins Fans

just kidding.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Delmon Young Retraction
Since I was just some stranger answering the phone, I think he was leery to give me anything too juicy, but he said that Delmon Young will NOT be with the Minnesota Twins next year. Why? Young is not a good fit personally for the team. I guess Delmon Young spends more time in the strip club than he does in the batting cages and that has the Minnesota managers unhappy (well that and the fact he can’t seem to see a ball coming at him.)
Young also has issues playing day games after night games thanks to his afterhours activities. My source was implying that Delmon Young is still drunk at those day games or at least extremely hung over. My conclusion is that Delmon Young does not fit in with the “Minnesota Nice” image of the Minnesota Twins and he is not enough of an asset to look over the strip club and alcohol addiction. I remember the days when Justin Morneau liked to hit the bottle, good thing he came around to the bright side and look how well he has been doing. Too bad Delmon Young couldn’t change, I think he has potential, but potential is often wasted on evil addictions.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Minnesota Twins Stencils
Check out the stencils:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Twins Trading Delmon Young
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Other Twins Blogs – Don’t worry this isn’t a Slam Book
1. Nick & Nick's Twins Blog
2. Twinkie Town
3. Twins Nation
5. Twins Locker
Now, my blog is not top 5 worthy, I get that and I am not out to bash any one else or any other blog, but let me give you my quick synopsis of each of these blogs . . . please don’t get any hurt feelings, if you own one of these blogs, read my post about the 23 questions before becoming a blogger – one of them is to have a thick skin:
N&N – good basic blog – it’s not a commercialized site, just a blogger site (like mine) lots of good information including stats, but also good commentary. I would prefer to see more pictures. My favorite segment? post season review vs the pre-season predictions. Nick predicted way more home runs than the Twins could ever actually hit.
Twinkie Town – part of the SBNation blogs, but I think Jesse is a local writer which is nice. Lately I have been randomly voting on their prospects poll. I am not sure any one really cares about the Twins #12 prospect, do they? OK, maybe these guys do – they do have a lot of comments, but I am willing to bet a lot of those voters are just like me, random voters. Whose name sounds the coolest, let’s pick them. I like Shooter Hunt the best.
Twins Nation – Hasn’t been updated since June 23rd, maybe Kris got sick of blogging, too. Google should take it off the top 5.
AG – AaronGleeman is practically famous in the world of baseball. If you need a stat, go see him. I even heard him on the radio the other day, I almost spit out my coffee. My favorite segment: Gleeman is good at conspiracy theory and I love it. Example: the Walters Hartman Minnesota Twins trading Delmon Young story.
Twins Locker – this site is not even operational – Google, hello? Is there a place where you can submit suggestions to Google for them to revise their search results?
Monday, October 20, 2008
World Series Favorite? Vote Now!
Do Minnesota Twins Fans Like the Rays
Blogging is Work
Minnesota Twins pictures
Minnesota Twins Blog through 1/1/09
Want to encourage me? leave me a comment so I know that others care about the Twins!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Twins ticket prices less than other Professional Sports
If the Minnesota Twins raised their ticket prices I think they would anger a lot of longtime and loyal baseball fans. Not too long ago there was a special on the news about a Twins fan that had been to every game for like 30 years and he was 80 years old! I doubt he would be too please if the Minnesota Twins gave him the shaft. Of course the new stadium will not pay for itself, but drastically raising the Minnesota Twins ticket prices would not be the best way to do so. Upsetting the fans is the last thing the Minnesota Twins should do. Maybe they are waiting to see if the Twins make it far in the playoffs before announcing Twins ticket prices in the new stadium. This issue has been weighing heavily on my mind, can you tell? This is like the third time I have wrote about it this month.
Friday, September 12, 2008
More on Minnesota Twins Ticket Prices
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Minnesota Twins Price Predictions
Monday, September 01, 2008
Texas Rangers at Minnesota Twins attendance
One more Minnesota Twins Texas Rangers fact: It was the largest three-game series home attendance total for the Twins this season! Bigger than the Milwaukee Brewers, bigger than the New York Yankees – the Metrodome clicked 101,248 fans over the Twins Rangers three game series for an average of 33,749 fans per game. Way to show up Twins fans! I am willing to bet that the September 23-25 Chicago White Sox at Minnesota Twins series will be bigger, though. The AL Central will be on the line. I can’t wait!
Have a safe and happy Labor Day, Twins Fans!
Check the AL Central Standings now!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Twins Ranger Series
The first Twins baseball series back from the All-Star Break was the Twins Rangers Series. Yes, I know this news is from July (18th, 19th and 20th to be exact), but it was a solid series and I often stress that teams won’t have the same zing when they come back from the All-Star break, but the Twins have remained steady and winning two games out of the three against the Texas Rangers on the first series back was a real momentum booster.
Twins Rangers Series Facts:
...Fridays 6-0 shutout was the Texas Rangers first shut out of the season and in fact was their first shut-out since an August 19, 2007 game at the Metrodome vs. our very own Minnesota Twins. Man, I love it when the Rangers come to town!
...Rangers pitcher Kevin Millwood has never beaten the Twins, he is 0-6. I wish we could play the Rangers every day.
...Delmon Young had his 12th game with 3-or-more hits. Delmon Young wishes we could play the Rangers every day!
...The 14-2 win also inked some season highs for the Twins as the team set single game-highs as a team in total bases, extra-base hits, rbi’s and season high home-runs with four. Who says we aren’t swinging for the fence every time? Oh yeah, me. We aren’t, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could play the Texas Rangers every day?
...The Twins lost the Sunday Rangers game 1-0 with a measly 3 hits. This was the fourth time the Twins have lost a 1-0 game. This was the second time this season that the Twins have scored 12-or-more runs in their previous game only to be shutout in the next game. Ick.
That’s all folks. Check back soon for more fun Twins facts!
Twins Bloggers petering out?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Minnesota Twins Hot Ticket
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Twins are Hot at Home with Francisco Liriano
Last night, Francisco Liriano used that left arm of his to beat down the Seattle Mariners at the Metrodome 9-3…the best part? The Minnesota Twins are tied for first place in the AL Central (again).
I think Francisco Liriano is itching to make it into my top Twins Pitcher list, but he will need to tighten up a but first. Sure, he got the big win and I swore I saw some speeds at 92 MPH, but the 30 pitch 4th inning had me nervous, but he got out of it and the Twins bats are on fire so that always helps the pitchers confidence as well.
I think I am a few series behind on my random game facts, but don’t dismay – I WILL BE BACK (in the voice of the Terminator of course…in honor of Arnie coming to town for the RNC)
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Minnesota Twins beat Cleveland Indians at the Dome
Well, for the most part they did. The Twins beat the Cleveland Indians Friday 4-1 and Sunday 6-2, but lost on Saturday night 1-5, winning the series 2 games to 1. It’s time to dig up those random facts I love to share with my Minnesota Twin blog readers regarding this Twins Indians series at the Metrodome. Here they are in no particular order:
...Nick Blackburn improved his record to 3-0 vs. the Indians after Friday nights 4-1 victory. He is on fire at home with a 6-2 record and a 2.54 ERA in 10 starts.
...Randy Ruiz made his Major League debut in Friday’s game, going 1-for-3 with a run scored as the designated hitter – welcome to the big leagues Ruiz!
...Metrodome attendance for Satruday nights loss was 40,000+ - that is a lot of disappointed fans, more than the usual 25,000 in attendance on a week night game.
...Sunday was the twelfth consecutive crowd of 30,000 or more at the HHH Metrodome, the longest streak since 1992 – who says we are in a recession?!
...The Twins are bunting Gods and lead the majors in bunts this season – is there a special bunting coach? It’s not really hitting, is it? I think it’s cool to bunt, but cooler to homer!
...Juan Rincon made his first appearance at the Metrodome not wearing a Twins jersey – worked well for the Twins since he gave up a homerun!
...Francisco Liriano pitched well on Sunday. I think he wants to make it onto my top pitchers list this month.
The Twins are currently playing in Seattle - I hate the west coast games, I like to retire early and the time difference bites. I will post more next week! Go Twins!
Let's slide into first . . . base and place!!!!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Minnesota Twins are winning series
Today is August 1st and everyone should take a minute to remember the 35W bridge victims at 6:05pm tonight. The year went by fast, but I bet it doesn’t feel that way to the people who lost their loved ones. God Bless!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Minnesota Twins get swept by New York Yankees
Ok, enough grumbling. Ron Gardenhire has promised a “come to Jesus meeting” with the Twins players before they start the Cleveland Indian series so let’s hope that can inspire them to turn it around before we get too far behind the White Sox. The White Sox will be at the Dome next week. It will be crunch time for sure. Ugh.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Minnesota Twins Yankees Game
Friday, July 18, 2008
Twins Rangers Series
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Golf with Tom Kelly
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
All-Star Joe Mauer

Friday, July 11, 2008
Twins Indians Series Notes
///Nick Punto hit his 10th career homerun when he hit a three-run shot off John Lackey. Woohoo! That set the crowd off like fireworks in the dome.
///Carlos Gomez collected his 21st bunt hit of the season.
///Over 5,000 tickets were given to military personnel and their families on Saturday night for Armed Services Appreciation night and the Twins players each sported various military branches on their baseball caps. It was very cool. Hooah!
///Twins scored five runs in the sixth inning on Saturday and have outscored their opponents 68 to 41 in sixth innings this season – how is that for random?!?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Twins lose big in Boston
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Twins Detroit Tigers Series
…The Minnesota Twins finished June 2008 with a record of 17-11. The Twins historically do not do well in the month of June and this June was just the seventh time in Twins franchise history that they have recorded 17 or more wins in the month. The Twins all-time record in June is 647-669
…Joe Mauer recorded his 42nd walk of the season during the Tigers series and leads the team in walks
…The Detroit Tigers walked Carlos Gomez twice in a game for the first time in his career. I guess they wanted to slow him down
…Carlos Gomez completed his 20th bunt this season, he leads Major League in bunts
…The Minnesota Twins finished the series out-hitting Detroit 41 to 27 – way to get those bats swinging boys!
Stay tuned for more fun facts from this Minnesota Twins fan! Go Twins!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July

Thursday, July 03, 2008
Twins win two of three over Brewers, fans show support
The Minnesota Twins continue to amaze me. The Twins Milwaukee Brewers series was a real gem and I have a few miscellaneous facts that I want to share with my loyal Minnesota Twins blog readers (even though it’s a little late.) I will compile facts on the Twins Detroit Tigers series next week (better late than never, right?) Here are the facts that I just can't keep to myself:
--> Joe Mauer hit his third home run of the season on June 27th vs. Milwaukee Brewers. All three homers were in the month of June...does that still make him an All-Star? You betcha!
--> The Twins lost to the Milwaukee Brewers on June 28th in front of 38,963 fans. It was their largest attendance since opening day, March 31 vs. Los Angeles when the Twins (and Torii Hunter) drew 49,596 fans. Perhaps the pressure of all those prying eyes was just too much. Livan Hernandez walked four batters, a season-high.
--> Kevin Slowey pitched his second complete game of the season on June 30th, tossing the first shutout of his career. Woohoo!
--> The Twins were only 278 fans short of drawing 100,000 fans into the Metrodome for the Twins Brewers three game series. Those 278 people were out on their boats enjoying the beautiful weather. They said they would have come out if the game would have been played outside.
--> The Twins finished off Interleague Play with a record of 14-4. Way to go boys in blue!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Carlos Gomez has Fan Support
Monday, June 30, 2008
Minnesota Twins All-Stars
Friday, June 27, 2008
Milwaukee Brewers at Metrodome Minneapolis
Thursday, June 26, 2008
One more Random Twins Fact
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Juan Rincon goes to Cleveland Indians
Random Minnesota Twins Facts
Once in awhile I have random Minnesota Twins facts that I want to share, but I don’t really feel like putting them into a true blog post. I really just want to spew them out. So here are the latest random Minnesota Twins facts that I just can’t keep under my hat (my baseball hat, of course).
Alexi Casilla has either scored a run or driven in a run in 25 of his 35 games played this season.
Michael Cuddyer’s wife, Claudia, gave birth to the couple’s first child Friday June 20th…Casey Jonathan Cuddyer was born at 3:23 pm at Fairview Southdale Hospital and he weighed in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and is 20 inches long. Born on the first day of summer, kind of gives a new meaning to “the boys of summer” doesn’t it?
Livan Hernandez home record this season: 6-0.
Brendan Harris finished theTwins last homestand with eight hits in 19 at-bats (.421) with four doubles, a triple, six runs scored and two runs batted in. wow.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Justin Morneau Fan

Monday, June 23, 2008
Twins Sweep Arizona Diamondbacks
Twins vs. Diamondbacks
Fri Jun 20 Twins 7, Dbacks 2
Sat Jun 21 Twins 6, Dbacks 1
Sun Jun 22 Twins 5, Dbacks 3
Friday, June 20, 2008
Twins vs Diamondbacks – Tonight!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Twins face Diamondbacks at Home
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Twins Game Winning Secret: Pitching
Monday, June 16, 2008
Gardenhire Gets Thrown out of Brewers Game
Friday, June 13, 2008
MLB All-Star Team = Red Sox Team
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Twins Break Losing Streak, Finally!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Minnesota Twins lose to Chicago White Sox again and again
Friday, June 06, 2008
Minnesota Twins on the Road
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Twins Yankees Series
The Twins lost on Friday night 5-6 and Saturday night 6-7, but managed to win Sunday afternoon 5-1 and Monday night 6-5. The Saturday night game went 12 innings and was the longest game of the season lasting 4 hours and 35 minutes. The coolest thing? The Metrodome actually looked pretty full from start to finish. The announced game attendance was 36,441 – that has to be one of the highest of the season as well. It was probably one of my favorite games of the season and had the Twins pulled off a win, it would be my favorite. I love a good overtime battle (that’s why I love the NHL playoffs as well). The Twins played hard and pulled all the punches including putting in every pitcher we could. I have to say there were a lot of groans when Juan Rincon took the mound (Juan needs to find a different bullpen, I am sick and tire of him dragging down the Minnesota Twins). Mauer still hasn’t hit a homer and apparently the pressure is getting to him because the Yankees stole four bases on Saturday night, it was the first time that had happened in Mauer’s career.
Who would have thought? The Minnesota Twins are still in the hunt for first place in the AL Central – woohoo!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Joe Mauer Finally Hits a Homerun
Friday, May 30, 2008
Joe Mauer needs a Homer
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Minnesota Twins sweep Kansas City
I wish the Minnesota Twins could play the Kansas City Royals every day! The Twins swept the Royals in Kansas City winning 4-3, 9-8 and 5-1 in the past three days. The Kansas City Royals have now lost 11 straight games. Ouch.
Last night, Craig Monroe hit a three run homer as part of a five run ninth inning for the Twins. He was so excited when he got back to the dugout. The Twins actually looked like they were having fun playing baseball. It was the second straight night somebody hit a three-run homer in the ninth at Kauffman Stadium – oh what a night! Justin Morneau got to be the hero hitting a homer to win the game. I wish I would have been at that game – it had all of the classic elements of a memorable MLB game for this Twins fan; great weather, come from behind, homeruns and my favorite player getting a home run to win the game.
Tonight, Kevin Slowey got another win and he is begging to be put on my favorite pitchers list. We’ll see Kevin – I will think about it.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Twins split Ranger series
The Twins need to stop making so many errors! I read this stat on the Twins post game notes: The Twins fell to 10-15 when making an error in the game…they have made at least one in five straight games (nine total in those games). Ouch. That’s a lot of errors for a Major League Baseball team. I wonder where they rank in the MLB. If anyone knows, please share with me.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend Twins fans!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Twins swept by Blue Jays, lose two to Rockies, take on Texas Rangers
With their momentum in the negative zone, the Twins then traveled to Denver to take on the National League Colorado Rockies. The Twins lost two of the three match-ups and returned home to the Metrodome to face the Rangers. Check back to my Twins blog on Thursday for a Minnesota Twins vs Texas Rangers recap! Go Twins!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ron Gardenhire Quote
"We're going to be thinking about winning as many games as we can and irritating the living heck out of a lot of people who said we can't play," Gardenhire said. "Whether we can or not, we want to make it look like they have no clue what they're talking about. That's our goal."
The guy cracks me up! I bet the dugout really gets going on a good day. If you have other favorite Gardy quotes – leave them in my Minnesota Twins Blog comments!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Twins look strong against Red Sox
The Minnesota Twins played well against their foes in the American League East, the Boston Red Sox. The Twins hosted the Red Sox in a four game series at the Metrodome and came out on top winning 3 out of the four contests.
Friday: WIN 7-6
Saturday: LOSS 2-5
Sunday: WIN 9-8
Monday: WIN 7- 3
Many Twins nay-sayers predicted a season-long struggle for the Minnesota Twins. In fact, Sports Illustrated picked them to finish last in the American League Central – well, ha! The Twins are now leading the American League Central. Go Twins!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Carlos Gomez Steals Again and Again
Carlos Gomez leads the American League in stolen bases, but he still has a little trouble at the plate so I don’t think he will be breaking the 1982 season American League Rickey Henderson 130 bases record. You gotta get on base in order to steal one. He won't be breaking it this year any way, but maybe some day? I don’t know that is a tough record and Gomez has the tendancy to strike out, but he is young and still has time to smooth out the rough spots. He will definitely be a fun player to watch and I love how nervous the opposing teams pitcher gets when Gomez is dancing around behine them.
It would be nice (and 100% possible) to see Carlos Gomez get 80 stolen bases this year - he already has 13 and we have only played one month of baseball. Last year New York Mets Jose Reyes stole 78 bases, it would be sweet to see Gomez pass him up! I wonder if Carlos Gomez has a Twins locker room nickname? Like Speedy or Grease Lightning… Oh, Google of course can answer that – here are the results I get when looking for Carlos Gomez Nicknames: "Go-Go", "Speedy Gonzalez" and the “Go-Father” – very funny Twins thread – check it out. Looks like “Go-Go” it is. I will be go going to the Metrodome to see Gomez and the other Twins play very soon!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Twins lead American League Central
The Twins will host another division leader this weekend at the Metrodome when they face the Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox have started out rocky on the road this season and the Twins have a definite chance to win and for sure split the four game series in front of the Metrodome crowd. I wish my mother was a Twins fan because I would love to be at the Dome this weekend! Perhaps I can score some Twins Tickets to Monday nights game! Go Twins!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Minnesota Twins Gossip
Number 1: Carlos Gomez has got to start hitting better, Gardy is not happy with Gomez speed alone. He told Gomez very sternly to step it up last week.
Number 2: Twins expected Francisco Liriano to suck. Sure the media said he was throwing well and he said he was feeling great, but Joe Vavra and Twins coaching team knew Liriano was going to have a terrible year and they are not sure if he will ever be a star MLB pitcher.
Number 3: Denard Span doesn’t know how to play baseball. Twins coaches are irked because he misses signs and screws up the basics of baseball.
Number 4: Delmon Young has a posse wherever he goes and it irritates Ron Gardenhire and several other star Minnesota Twins players. Young thinks he’s more or a rap star than an outfielder.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Minnesota Twins All Star Vote
Voting ends online on July 2nd and ends in person at the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome on June 19th.
Nine Minnesota Twins players made the ballot:
First baseman Justin Morneau, Second baseman Brendan Harris, Shortstop Adam Everett, Third baseman Mike Lamb, Catcher Joe Mauer, Designated Hitter Jason Kubel and outfielders Michael Cuddyer, Carlos Gomez and Delmon Young.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Francisco Liriano Pitching Stinks
I guess I have been living in some sort of Minnesota Twins fantasy world thinking this team had things under control. I know it is early in the season, but I am starting to get freaked out! The Twins aren’t even at the .500 mark! Come on boys, get it together before all of the Minnesota Twins start jumping off the bandwagon!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
My favorite Minnesota Twins Pitchers
Number one: Scott Baker
Number two: Livian Hernandez
Number three: Nick Blackburn
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Twins Angels Series slump, Twins Royal series hump
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Twins Angels Series tied at one apiece
The Minnesota Twins were not so successful last night losing big time to the Angels 9-1. Let’s hope they can pull off a win tonight so they can still win the series. Let’s go Twins!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Minnesota Twins Opener and the snow
There is a lot of talk on sports radio about how stupid Minnesota is for not putting a roof on their brand new multi-million dollar stadium and I for one have to agree. It always seems that Minnesota does everything the cheap way, not the right way. Let’s face it, this is Minnesota and there will be snow in March and April and lots of rain too. I am not looking forward to the nightmare of rescheduled games or of opening the season so late thanks to Minnesota weather. It just doesn’t seem right to have a stadium in the nations ice box without a roof. I am all for open air baseball, but come on, let’s put a retractable roof on the thing!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Twins Roster is all but set
Back to the centerfield debate, I don’t think we have seen the last of Denard Span…mark my words, he will be back this year. This guy is ready for the big leagues.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Twins Joe Nathan Contract
"I think it's a good fit," Joe Nathan said. "Dave Pepe, my agent, has always
said this organization is right for you ... it seems like you belong here."
Many critics say that this big contract just makes Nathan more “tradable” but this Minnesota Twins fan thinks the Twins made the deal to keep one of the best closers in the American League on the roster. I look forward to seeing Joe Nathan at the Metrodome this season! His new contract makes me want to buy Twins Tickets!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Countdown to Twins Opener
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Minnesota Twins Commercial
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Twins Centerfield Presidential Match-Up
Remind me of this post next November, Twins Fans, wouldn’t it be something if the 2008 Twins Star Centerfielder matched up with our next president? Sure the Pio thought of it first, but they don’t take it to the next level like I am, stating that whichever player gets the spot, then his corresponding presidential candidate will also get the spot. Hmmmm…OK, I know it is a little hokey, but I just wish I was in Florida for Twins Spring Training and not sitting at my computer hacking away at the Twins Centerfield headline.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Minnesota Twins Opening Day

Thursday, March 06, 2008
Carlos Gomez in Centerfield
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Francisco Liriano rumor
Well, Francisco Liriano will make his first Twins spring training start this Friday against the Boston Red Sox. My guess is Liriano will throw two to three innings, depending on his pitch count. Let’s hope we see some speed in those pitches!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Twins start Spring Training Games
Any bets if I could make it to the game if I left right now? If I had a private jet, it would be close. You can still get Twins Tickets to the game online. If it were me, I would like to see the Twins Red Sox game this Saturday. Too bad I will be at Bloomington Jefferson judging high schoolers on their public speaking abilities. I think I will award extra speaker points to any speaker who mentions the Minnesota Twins or uses the word twin or baseball or even spring…because Twins Spring Training is where my body will wish to be!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Francisco Liriano in Ft Myers 2/27
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Twins Spring Training
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Francisco Liriano Status
But I read over at the PP that Twins Manager Ron Gardenhire sees it differently. In fact after reading Gardenhires comments regarding Francisco Liriano, I am not sure I want to buy too many Twins Tickets if I can’t count on a solid pitching rotation. Perhaps I am just being too emotional and I should wait until the completion of Spring Training to make my verdict on this year’s Twins pitchers. Let’s also hope Francisco can stay sober enough to make it through the season – remember that DUI charge that's holding him up.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Twins centerfield position debate should be second to Twins Pitching
It seems every one is anxious to determine who is going to be the Minnesota Twins centerfielder, but this Minnesota Twins fan still thinks that decision should take a back seat to who is on the Minnesota Twins pitching rotation.
I have heard several reports that youngster Carlos Gomez really wants the position, but he will have to battle Denard Span and Jason Pridie at the least to get the center spot. Looking over the 40 man roster…there isn’t a single player on there who has ever played the centerfield position full time in the MLB…it could be an interesting year.
Carlos Gomez Fact: Gomez signed withe the Mets when he was you suppose they had any child labor law issues??? hmmmm....
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Boof Bonser on my radar
When looking through my Minnesota Twins blog, I can see I wrote a number of posts about Twins pitcher Boof Bonser, either I loved him or I loathed him. He was on my fantasy team last year and it helped me a few times because he was a bit of a dark horse and he had a few solid showings, but overall the season was not stellar for Bonser. This year will probably be no different…in regards to my articles, I mean, and my fantasy team, but I would expect Boof Bonser to be a better and more consistent pitcher.
Bonser has lost 20 pounds, and better to look at is always just better in this Minnesota Twins fan book, and he seems more mature and dedicated to his career. He is setting goals of pitching 7 or 8 innings instead of just 4 or 5. I guess time will tell, but I am glad to have Boof Bonser on my team!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Minnesota Twins Spring Training

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Twins Tickets for Sale
My buddy decided he wanted to get rid of some of the Twins tickets to help with the expense so he tried calling local ticket broker Ticket King. The Ticket King rep said they would pay face value for the Red Sox, Yankees or Brewers game, but that they weren’t interested in anything else at this time. I guess Twins ticket demand is down…do you suppose it is because the Twins lost two of their stars and Twins fans don’t remember that we still have the super stars of Justin Morneau, Joe Mauer, Francisco Liriano and Joe Nathan? I am guessing that if the Twins come out of the gate and win a few in a row, Twins tickets will become a lot more valuable. Anyone care to comment?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Spring Training post-Santana era
Friday, February 08, 2008
We will miss you Johan

Here is a quote from Gardy about missing Johan:
"Absolutely, we're going to miss him," Ron Gardenhire said. "I wish him nothing but success. He's been a very, very good player for us, and a very good person and friend. Honestly, I can just say that I'm proud to have had an opportunity to manage him."
I wonder if this Minnesota Twins Tickets site will take Johan off the roster list any time soon? Do you suppose they will move him to a Twins Great? Nah!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The centerfield competition continues to heat up
The centerfield competition continues to heat up
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Twins trade Santana
We have been talking about a potential Johan Santana trade for months and this Minnesota Twins fan is not sure the Twins made the best deal. I guess time will tell if the prospects will pan out. Santana's contract is the largest contract for a pitcher in baseball history and his average annual salary of $22.5 million ranks second in baseball, trailing only Alex Rodriguez $27.5 million salary. Can you believe it? Santana and ARod in the same tax bracket!
The Twins offered up to as much as five years and $100 million to Santana, but he held out and it paid it off…big...I guess.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Twins Super Bowl Ad
Speaking of laughs, I got a little chuckle out of the Minnesota Twins Super Bowl ad. It was the first 2008 "This is Twins Territory" ad and was only shown locally. It was fun to see Justin and Joe and good ‘ol TK make an appearance in a Super Bowl ad! Way to hit the big time Twins!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Who will be Center Field for the Minnesota Twins

The Twins have a couple of options at center field . . .Michael Cuddyer just signed a pricey contract and Gardy may slide him over to center field and try to get as much out of him as we can or Craig Monroe would like to point out that he has 77 big-league games at the position as well or perhaps the Twins will fill the hole with youngster Delmon Young – heck, let’s just put Joe Mauer out there for fun. It will be an interesting Twins Spring Training year with so many round players and square holes that need to be filled.
Put me in coach, I’m ready to play!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Twins Fest 2008
There has been so much in the news about the Minnesota Twins that I haven’t even written about Twins Fest yet! Did anyone think that the attendance numbers seemed a little low this year? I guess there was an official Twins Fest attendance number of 30,483 fans. It was the third-highest total in event history. Maybe it seemed like a smaller crowd because last year was so crowded and it was the first year that I ever went so I expected every year to be like that.
There were plenty of players, many of which I could never pick out of a line up…perhaps I am not a true fan or perhaps they need better cheat sheets when you enter. My favorite part about TwinsFest is seeing all the youngsters in their Twins garb with big teethy smiles. My least favorite part about TwinsFest was viewing the new Twins ballpark display and thinking how over budget we are and how I will refuse to go to a game when the weather is nothing less than ideal – I still say it’s not too late to add a retractable roof (-;
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Francisco Liriano is ready
His velocity? "It's back. The past two weeks, I was (at) 95, 94 (mph)"
His endurance? "I'm throwing bullpens the same length as before surgery. I'm in shape."
His pitch selection? "I'm throwing all my pitches now. Sliders, changeups, everything - no problem."
Let’s go Twins…Is it Spring yet?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Twins sign Morneau and Cuddyer for big bucks
Justin Morneau signed a Twins record deal last weekend agreeing to $80 million over six years –that is the longest and richest in club history. It appears the Twins dollar squeezing days may be over…do you suppose the Twins read this blog? I was just talking about the need to secure key players in order to win a pennant race and you can’t do that unless you are willing to open the checkbook.
The Twins also signed Michael Cuddyer for $24 million over the next three years. I personally think that is a bit much, but time will tell. The Twins originally offered him $4.7 for next year (do the math $14.1 over three years) I am not sure what inspired the Twins to ante up the $8 million a year especially since my sources told me Michael Cuddyer was only looking for 6.2 million next year (do the math $18.6 over three years), but apparently the Twins wanted him to sign.
Let’s hope these hot hitters can propel the Twins into a pennant race and gain some excitement for a team that will soon have a new home field and let's hope they can help sell some Twins Tickets!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Twins payroll on the rise
As with any baseball team that tries to keep its core members together, the Minnesota Twins payroll keeps escalating to a higher price. The Twins signed Justin Morneau, Juan Rincon and Jason Kubel, all arbitration eligible players, and all of them got raises.
>>>> Justin Morneau will play in 2008 for $7.4 million
>>>> Jason Kubel will play for $1.3 million (1 million dollar raise)
>>>> Juan Rincon will make $2.475 million (about a half million more than his previous $2 million contract)
I was happy to see Justin Morneau signed on the dotted line…I didn’t want my Justin Morneau jersey to go to waste!
Other Twins still negotiating:
> Relief pitcher Matt Guerrier asking for $1.15 million (Twins offer $750,000)
> Michael Cuddyer is seeking $6.2 million in 2008 (Twins offered $4.7 million)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Twins need Budget Balance for success
Spending on proven players is not always the best route to take in major league baseball, but a team can’t be good with a bunch of no-names. I think if the Twins can balance out re-signing their best players with scouting hot new talent they can be very competitive over the next couple of years.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Will Twins get Phil Hughes?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Santana in Florida joins Liriano

For Now, Santana is still a Twin, but he rejected the Twins four year, $80 million contract extension offer, meaning he wants to go elsewhere. If the Twins start the season with a one-two punch of Santana and Liriano like they had in 2006, they might have a hot start out of the gate, something that hasn’t happened for the Twins in recent years. This years Twins Spring Training should be interesting.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Twins Spring Training
Read about another Twin Cities blogger talking about Twins Spring Training! Every one has the fever!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Twins Fest is this month
Of course the Minnesota Twins will use the annual festival to pump us up about the new ballpark and try to sell us single game Twins tickets to home games.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Bert Blyleven's not going to the Hall
In fact, only one player was chosen from the ballot by the 543 members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America. After nine years on the ballot, reliever Rich "Goose" Gossage received 85.8 percent (466 votes) to finally earn selection.
Other vote getters that I found interesting:
Jack Morris 233 42.9%
Mark McGwire 128 23.6%
David Justice 1 0.2%
Chuck Knoblauch 1 0.2%