Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Minnesota Twins Spring Training
It's never too early to be thinking about Minnesota Twins Spring Training...especially when it's NEGATIVE 5 in Minneapolis.

Baseball Topics:
Fort Meyers Florida,
Hammond Stadium,
Minnesota Twins Spring Training
Monday, October 11, 2010
Thank For a Great 2010 Season

Baseball Topics:
AL Central Championship,
Minnesota Twins 2010 Sesaon,
Target Field
Monday, August 16, 2010
Twins Baseball Love Blog
It's been awhile since I've came over on the old site. My new site has been great and I love it. The question is though - have you been keeping up with and reading my blogs and tweets on Twins Baseball Love? If you haven't get over there and check it out at www.twinsbaseballlove.blogspot.com. I update as much on Minnesota Twins baseball as I can and watch just about every game they play. Go Twins!
Friday, April 02, 2010
Minnesota Twins Fan Blogger Moved
Fellow Minnesota Twins Fans and Fellow Twins Bloggers,
I moved my blogging insights to Twins Baseball Love – a new Minnesota Twins blog that I will be sharing with a friend. Thank you for your faithful readership (all three readers – LOL!) and please bookmark the new site. The 2010 Minnesota Twins Season should be a great one. I hope to see you all at some games at Target Field.
I moved my blogging insights to Twins Baseball Love – a new Minnesota Twins blog that I will be sharing with a friend. Thank you for your faithful readership (all three readers – LOL!) and please bookmark the new site. The 2010 Minnesota Twins Season should be a great one. I hope to see you all at some games at Target Field.
Baseball Topics:
Minnesota Twins Blog,
new Twins blog,
Twins Baseball Love
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I promise I have not forgotten about the Minnesota Twins Fans
I know it has been a little quiet here at Minnesota Twins Fan, but I wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten about you in the slightest. In fact, I've been working on creating a new Minnesota Twins Blog that will be even better than this one. I have not decided if I'm going to fully transfer all of my Twins Commentary over to the new blog (which you can find at Twins Baseball Love) or if I'm going to target the two blogs to different audiences. Either way, I promise not to leave you in the dark.
While I am in Twins Blogging transition, I thought I would send you over to a friend of mine's blog about Target Field . This blog has AMAZING Target Field pictures and inside information. It is updated pretty regularly and always has interesting info on it.
So Sports Fans, don't worry... there will be plenty of Twins Information out there for you to absorb!
While I am in Twins Blogging transition, I thought I would send you over to a friend of mine's blog about Target Field . This blog has AMAZING Target Field pictures and inside information. It is updated pretty regularly and always has interesting info on it.
So Sports Fans, don't worry... there will be plenty of Twins Information out there for you to absorb!
Baseball Topics:
Minnesota Twins,
Pictures of Target Field,
Target Field,
Twins Blogs
Monday, January 11, 2010
2010 is the year of baseball returns to its roots in the Twin Cities
When the game of baseball was started and America found it's pastime, the game was played outside. Bats were wooden, seats were hard and the sunshine was hot... Today, we play with synthetic material, some seats are better than your couch and there is AC in the luxury boxes.
However, 2010 is going to be a throwback year for the Minnesota Twins. The Twins Stadium, Target Field is opening for the 2010 Twins Season and will be the first return of outdoor baseball for the Minnesota Twins in decades.
While Target Field is not quite wooden benches it will feel like a return to Minnesota Twins Baseball like it was intended... cold and rainy in the Spring, hot and humid all summer long, and a potential for snow if we make the post-season.
Don't miss a moment of the inaugural season of Target Field.
Baseball Topics:
Minnesota Twins,
Minnesota Twins 2010 Sesaon,
Pictures of Target Field,
Target Field
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