If you google Minnesota Twins Blogs, here are the top five results:
1. Nick & Nick's Twins Blog www.twinsfanatnicks.blogspot.com/
2. Twinkie Town www.twinkietown.com/
3. Twins Nation www.mntwinsnation.com/
4. AaronGleeman.com www.aarongleeman.com/
5. Twins Locker www.twinslocker.com/
Now, my blog is not top 5 worthy, I get that and I am not out to bash any one else or any other blog, but let me give you my quick synopsis of each of these blogs . . . please don’t get any hurt feelings, if you own one of these blogs, read my post about the 23 questions before becoming a blogger – one of them is to have a thick skin:
N&N – good basic blog – it’s not a commercialized site, just a blogger site (like mine) lots of good information including stats, but also good commentary. I would prefer to see more pictures. My favorite segment? post season review vs the pre-season predictions. Nick predicted way more home runs than the Twins could ever actually hit.
Twinkie Town – part of the SBNation blogs, but I think Jesse is a local writer which is nice. Lately I have been randomly voting on their prospects poll. I am not sure any one really cares about the Twins #12 prospect, do they? OK, maybe these guys do – they do have a lot of comments, but I am willing to bet a lot of those voters are just like me, random voters. Whose name sounds the coolest, let’s pick them. I like Shooter Hunt the best.
Twins Nation – Hasn’t been updated since June 23rd, maybe Kris got sick of blogging, too. Google should take it off the top 5.
AG – AaronGleeman is practically famous in the world of baseball. If you need a stat, go see him. I even heard him on the radio the other day, I almost spit out my coffee. My favorite segment: Gleeman is good at conspiracy theory and I love it. Example: the Walters Hartman Minnesota Twins trading Delmon Young story.
Twins Locker – this site is not even operational – Google, hello? Is there a place where you can submit suggestions to Google for them to revise their search results?